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100 Blog Post Ideas For Any Business

Blogging is great for SEO as well as for conversion optimization. Not only does it help get fresh content onto your website which Google loves, it also is an opportunity to share with your visitors what makes your business qualified or a bit of your personality or company culture. Yet so few companies take twenty to thirty minutes a week to blog. The main feedback (read excuse) I hear from clients is that they don’t know what to write about. It’s true, deciding what to blog every week can be a bit of a headache. With so many business owners falling ill to writers block, I have decided to try to provide a cure with this week’s treatment of 100 blog post ideas any business can take advantage of.

  1. Pinpoint bad practices that are commonly used in your industry.
  2. Hypothesize the future of your industry.
  3. Discuss why some seasons are busier that others.
  4. Talk about the steps involved in hiring an intern.
  5. Answer common questions asked by new clients.
  6. Give opinions on the latest industry trends.
  7. Compare lead gathering techniques.
  8. Explain the industry now and compare it to when you began.
  9. Describe the regulations and laws that affect your industry.
  10. What are the 5 biggest barriers to entry?
  11. How does reputation affect your business/industry?
  12. How has your competition sculpted the way you have grown as a business?
  13. What are the best websites to educate others about your industry?
  14. Summarize blog posts from other companies.
  15. Describe your day-to-day activities. This can be good for recruitment if done well!
  16. What skills and experiences do you look for when hiring employees?
  17. What is your typical client looking for?
  18. Where can your company improve and why?
  19. Does where you’re from (what city you operate) effect the amount of business you get?
  20. Who are your heros or mentors and what have they taught you?
  21. Elaborate on conferences you have attended.
  22. Ask a question to your potential clients.
  23. Try to find your product or service using Google and review how easy it is to find.
  24. Describe a time someone gave you bad advice and what affect it had on your business.
  25. How did you get into the industry?
  26. How do you keep your employees well trained on the latest changes happening in your industry?
  27. What goals and results do you strive to achieve when creating blogs and where do you want them to lead?
  28. What influenced you to choose the locations of your business and why is the number of offices crucial to your success? Do you see the amount of offices increasing or decreasing in the near future?
  29. Most small businesses require start up costs. How did you acquire the resources to start your business?
  30. What challenges do companies looking to start in your industry face today that you did not?
  31. What weaknesses have you acquired over your career and how do you think you could have prevented them from happening? What are you doing to work on them?
  32. Talk about the best colleges/degrees to have or courses to take to be able to work in your field.
  33. How did you handle the last time a client wanted to be reimbursed and what do you believe caused it?
  34. What are easy ways to prevent unhappy clients in the future?
  35. What would you do differently if you had the chance to start over?
  36. Talk about new technology that is changing the way your industry works.
  37. Discuss the importance of organization and the techniques you use.
  38. Why do clients decide to leave?
  39. What strategies do you use in running your industry that are challenging and sometimes frustrating for your workers but ultimately result in pushing them to be their best and succeed?
  40. Talk about your worst clients in order to educate others on the importance of choosing the right clients.
  41. Good business practice, what make your clients keep coming back?
  42. Talk about how you answer a client’s complaint and what steps you take to fix the problem.
  43. How to set your hourly rate and why it is what it is. You don’t have to publicize what it is, just how you calculated it!
  44. Review a book related to your industry.
  45. Tell a story of a time you succeeded in making a client happy.
  46. Describe the differences between your company and your competitors.
  47. What misconceptions do clients have about your industry?
  48. Tell the story behind your company’s name.
  49. What qualities do you look for in a good customer?
  50. In this cutthroat industry you encounter many failures as well as much success; what have you learned from seeing your rivals go through this?
  51. What motivates you to create and keep the schedule you do?
  52. What are the common red flags of a potentially bad customer?
  53. Simply describe the best part about your job.
  54. Write a follow up to a blog that already exists.
  55. How far can you go in your industry before you absolutely have to hire help?
  56. Talk about the benefits of freelancers.
  57. Recommend a freelancer you have used in the past.
  58. Describe how companies in your industry might be different in other countries.
  59. Make a checklist of qualifications for a “good” client.
  60. Explain the worst part about starting a business.
  61. Talk about why employees leave your company. Are there ways your company can improve to increase retention?
  62. Create a “brain dump” list.
  63. Talk about free ways of self-promoting your company.
  64. Discuss certifications that are valuable in your industry.
  65. Give a resume workshop for entry-level students in your industry. Discuss what looks good and what doesn’t work.
  66. Rant about a day you have had that was out of the ordinary.
  67. Talk about the importance of balancing your life with work and play and discuss how you manage it.
  68. Write about appropriate office attire in your industry.
  69. Give an interview horror story.
  70. Mac or PC? Which is better in your industry and why?
  71. Cell service horror stories? Everyone has them!
  72. Talk about an entrepreneur that has changed the way your industry is run.
  73. Review someone’s YouTube channel.
  74. Give advice to people looking to take industry related certification exams.
  75. Answer a question you have asked in a prior blog post.
  76. Describe your dream job, even if it’s not what you’re doing currently. When I was 21, during an interview with Rubbermaid, I told my interviewer that my dream job was to sell yachts. I did not work for Rubbermaid. :o) Nor have I sold yachts, but maybe someday!
  77. Analyze the leaders of your industry and discuss how and why they got to where they are.
  78. From an SEO standpoint, talk about the importance of blogging. Check.
  79. List your favorite social media vehicles and how they help your business.
  80. Create a mind map.
  81. Show creative ads or commercials you or your competitors have used and review them.
  82. Make a list of the pros and cons of working in your industry.
  83. What is the best industry to advertise for.
  84. What was your business’s or your personal career’s turning point?
  85. Talk about the ways you test different strategies. What techniques work?
  86. Write a haiku about your business.
  87. Review a new employee. (It helps if they’ve been doing a good job!)
  88. Take a break from work and talk about the best cuisine in your city (because sometimes the way to a clients business is through their stomach!).
  89. Talk about the ethics involved in your business. Discuss possible situations where an ethical decision can change a client’s perception of your company.
  90. Talk about the difference between your industry now as opposed to the early 2000’s.
  91. Over time, what similarities have you seen in your most loyal clients?
  92. What weaknesses have you seen in the recent employees you have let go?
  93. When is it the right time to talk about pricing in regard to your products/services?
  94. What do you think potential hires should STOP putting on their resumes?
  95. Describe effective negotiation tactics.
  96. Take a picture of your workspace and describe what’s there.
  97. Post a video blog.
  98. What programs make your life easier? (Free or paid programs/software)
  99. Talk about an embarrassing skill that you need to succeed in your industry.
  100. Make a list of 100 blog ideas for your own industry.

If you write one of these a week, this is your editorial calendar for the next two years (minus a week off for your birthday and the Holidays)! Now get writing!

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